Topic: Is it tru?


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i'm confused now. lol.
Posted 02 Mar 2004

Topic: Paap


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u're right, storyline did suck, but i'm learning abt bhuddhism in class, so it was interesting 2 see most of their beliefs portrayed on the movie!

my favorite songs were man ki lagan, and laal!

Posted 02 Mar 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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**NOOR** said:



N/P! thanks! nirma's a muslim name eh?! interesting....!!
Posted 02 Mar 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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lol. that ain't right man. just cause he's a superstar doesn't mean he can have an attitude, especially with his fans. if he'd be more down 2 earth, he'd be an even bigger superstar 4 it. lol.
Posted 02 Mar 2004



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how old is the drama, and hows the quality?! lemme know when u're done, please....
Posted 02 Mar 2004


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YAS said:

yea the show belongs to omar sharif, n after the SRK...

nfakf, koi baat nahin yaar, u know abrar kind of ppl won't stop comin, n we got u as a soldier...n no doubt pak pop industry is the best, Junoon is my fav all the way...
TV dramas i love them, so yea in entertainment, only movies suck right now, but rest is awesome...

thanks bro!! i agree with u thru and thru!
Posted 02 Mar 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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lol. not only that....did u see him with that girl he brought up on stage?! he was embarassing her, tellin' her he'd dress her in a mini skirt, and then a bikini?!

i've also heard that he was acting badtameeze on stage with asha bhonsle or lata at some other show a while back?? things like this make him seem a little full of himself....u're a star....but act classy, like amitabh!!
Posted 02 Mar 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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religion aside, am i the only one who thinks srk is a little full of himself?

no offense to his fans...hell i'm a fan of his myself - but dude DOES have a slight attitude problem.
Posted 02 Mar 2004


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umair16 said:

will Omar sharif rocked . . reema looked great even though she was poshing for the camara's.

I think this would be a trend now . . most bollywood award would now invite pakistani artist. Dose lollywood have big awards like bollywood . . cos i have never seen anyon tv.
Whats the biggest award ceromony that happens in pakistan.

biggest awards shows in pakistan are: NIGAR awards (pakistan's oscars, lol), and lux style awards. then we got the PTV awards too, but the first 2 r more prominent.
Posted 02 Mar 2004


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1st of all, thanks miss attitide!!

secondly, way 2 go yas sahib. i didn't read ALL his posts, but from the looks of it abrar bombay came here with one intention, that being putting pakistan down.

i'm a little dispointed tho.....i had alot more ammo up my sleeve in regards 2 this music debate. lol. ah well...pakistani music rocks and we all know it. none of us should put up with ANYONE putting down our pop industry. they have movies...we have music. the sooner they realise this, the better it'll be!

anyhow....back 2 the topic: reema looked divine, resham DID look a wee bit nervous beside SRK, and umer sharif stole the show, in my opinion. i hope more lollywood stars attend next time, including shaan!!

Posted 02 Mar 2004

Topic: Paap


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saw it. liked it. music was kick ass, 4 obvious reasons.
Posted 01 Mar 2004


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abrar_bombay said:

YDAKH asessment of Pakistani Music was all about self appraisals that ur artists are known for. BTW, Biwi number 1 is wroth a title. Thats why u guys have copie our titles and makde them: Raja Pakistani, Dil to pagal hai and all stupid titles that was given. Instead of that they should focus of quality films.

BTW, ur assement of pakistan pops.    I cant stop laughing. The dozens of name u mentioned are not even known to any1 else besides pakistanis. Junoon was so called rock band of Asia because of some political reasons that it became famous due to just 1 song. I can't recollect any other song of junoon that ended up being anywhere in the top 10 slot of best selling albums.

Lata Mangeshkar appraises ur noorjehan and I dont have any bad mouth to tell about her. But the fact of the matter is Lata is much better singer and the world knows it. She may respect Late Noorjehan because she used to enjoy a sisterly relations with her. But every1 knows how commercially successful Lataji is.

About some song "dil vil pakistan" being the third favorite song in some poll. Well Favorite is different from Successful and good song. The poll must be having all the pakistani voters and no on else had participated in it and why would people from India show interest in it.

BTW, that dil vil pakistan song must not even have sold 5% of albums if you compare it with A.R Rahman's Bombay Dreams sales.

Live in today's world: Succeess and Sales are synonymous dear.

the name's NFAKFan, not YDAKH, allstar.

lets not talk abt copying movie titles my friend. you'd expect the underdog to do anything - including copying movie titles - in order to stay alive. but for bollywood - an industry filled with boat loads of 'talent'- to resort to copying...what a shame. sure heayweight, hollywood also copies once in a blue moon. but their tendency is nowhere NEAR as consistant as bollywoods. the amount of songs copied is mind-boggling. 2004 is but a couple of months old and ALREADY we see trailers 4 an upcoming movie which not only has a pakistani song copied tune 4 tune, but word 4 word!!!!! where'd all this talent that u speak of, go?????

then u see the likes of pooja bhatt hearing anu malik's garbage, and making a b-line 2wards pakistan 2 recruit ali azmat, rahat, and shahi, who did a phenomenal job. so good in fact, that reviews on bollywood sites label the music as revolutionary 4 hindi cinema. meanwhile pakistan has heard/enjoyed such music for the last 10+ years. LOL.

u can sugarcoat the issue as much as u want. junoon's more known than ANY indian band and a boat load of indian singers in general, noor jehan MADE lata (according to the lady herself), and dil dil pakistan was among the most popular songs ALL TIME. thanks 4 the laugh tho. 'why would people from india show interest in it.' then WHY'D YA'LL COPY IT AS 'DIL DIL HINDUSTAN'????????!!!!!!!!

bottom line is, our music is better. indians may not hear it for whatever reason (and even thats a stretch cause if they didnt hear it, they wouldnt copy it), but its heard round the world i can guarantee u that.

lastly u're talkin' abt our music videos not bein' up 2 par in another post somewhere here?! seriously bro. download fuzon's 'khamaj' or 'tere bina' and then talk. we prove u dont need half naked broads prancing around 2 make a video look good. thats probably y u assume they're no good.
Posted 01 Mar 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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is she?! didn't notice....

this was the first time i saw this lady. but if u say she's tall, i'll have 2 take u're word 4 it. she still looks good. lol.
Posted 01 Mar 2004


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abrar_bombay said:

I think they should have invited Junoon or Abida Parveem from Pakistan. Coz they are the only pakistani Pop acts that are worth listening.

i feel sorry 4 u bro!! u haven't heard NOTHIN'!!

do me a songs from FUZON, or EP, and i promise you, you'll reconsider the ladder part of your statement.
Posted 01 Mar 2004


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abrar_bombay said:

So lets discuss ur so-called pop if u wish to.

And one of the funniest name i ever heard of a paki film was Sultana Daku

glad u came back bro!

lol. 'sultana daku' is a pretty funny name isn't it?! lol. almost as funny as bollywood's 'biwi no. 1.'

now....onto the matter at hand: pakistani (pop) music. b4 i get started, let me make it perfectly clear that my intention is NOT 2 turn this into an india vs. pakistan argument. I’m simply attempting to make a point, and in doing so, I’ll use Indian music - Pakistani pop music’s closest competition - as an example.

Fact of the matter is, pakistani music in general, is better atleast in my opinion. and judging from bollywood's notorious inclination of 'borrowing' from pakistani musicians, moreso than visa versa, it seems they agree.

u mentioned to sometimes check BBC or CNN and I’m glad you brought that up. According to BBC, an international music poll conducted last year, revealed 'DIL DIL PAKISTAN' – Vital Sign’s smash hit pop song – was the 3rd most favorite song of ALL TIME. Also according to BBC, Junoon is Asia’s #1 band. According to CNN, Junoon is labelled as ‘South Asia’s ‘biggest’ rock band.’

Straying away from modern pop music, its no secret that india’s very own legendary lata mangeshkar has gone on record as saying that she is what she is today, thanks to pakistan’s very own melody queen, the late great madame noor jehan. If lata - a singer indians PRAISE, and regard as a legend (and rightfully so) - claims to have heavy pakistani musical influence, what does that tell you??

Internationally….the late great nusrat fateh ali khan. Enough said. You name me any Indian music director who has worked for ALL THREE ‘WOODS’ – lolly, bolly, AND Hollywood, and who has had as much influence on artists the likes of peter Gabriel, jeff buckley, joan osbourne, tim robbins, and even Madonna – who btw sat front row center at the maestro’s concert in L.A back in ‘95 or ‘96.

these are but a few examples. i have not even mentioned fuzon, strings, arroh, humaira arshad, hadiqa kiyani, abrau ul haq, who btw sings bhangra better than most punjabi artists (lol), rahat fateh ali khan, and ali zafar.
Posted 01 Mar 2004


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2 bad abrar bombay left. i would have LOVED 2 discuss pakistani pop music with him.
Posted 01 Mar 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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YAS said:

she's not that good of an actress ne ways...

these days, who is?! it all seems 2 be abt the looks. and this lady has 'em!!
Posted 01 Mar 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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i see. ah well....her loss. (j/k)

Posted 29 Feb 2004


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lol @ london ki hoor.
Posted 29 Feb 2004


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it was nice seeing juhi chavla. i forgot all abt her, and her nice smile. lol.

anyone else notice how nervous resham was alongside srk, and how srk didn't help matters by being a jerk? lol.
Posted 29 Feb 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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reema's from multan. nfak was from faisalabad. my uncle's from lahore....they're all punjabi KHANS yaar!!

and getting back 2 this sushmita sen broad...i heard she said an arabic prayer b4 giving srk the 'superstar' award. another sign that maybe...just maybe..she's muslim?! lol. it doesn't matter either way, but i'm just poiting it out....
Posted 29 Feb 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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this mahima chaudry broad.......
Posted 28 Feb 2004


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good show! i never watch normally, but i watched this time, just 2 see reema/resham/umer sherif. its nice 2 see relations getting better between pak/india, and having the show eminate from lahore next year would be a historic move, helping not only political relations, but media relations as well.

can u imangine a show of that magnitude (bollywood standards) with pakistani bands like FUZON or JUNOON performing!?!
Posted 28 Feb 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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that lady will star in an upcoming ptv drama...NFAKFan38045.9501157407
Posted 28 Feb 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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yaar''s like nirma and reema are not muslim, but those actresses are!! maybe this indian lady's stage name is indian, but she's muslim?! just a guess....

plus srk has a come she said mashallah?!

she probably is not muslim, but the aboce points maku one
Posted 28 Feb 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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DAMN! ok i take it back.....she's aiight. lol.

she's no natasha, but if i have 2 have a favorite from bollywood....its her from now on. lol.
Posted 28 Feb 2004

Topic: Is it tru?


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then i guess she's not my favorite. (J/K)
Posted 28 Feb 2004


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for us canadians/americans, 2night (feb 27) at 9pm!
Posted 27 Feb 2004


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not bad!! they seem like they know what they're doing! good thing 4 pakistani arts and culture!
Posted 27 Feb 2004


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i've heard of sohaib alam only recently. lol. i only know that he has a lot of money if he promotes all this kinda stuff. lol.
Posted 27 Feb 2004